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Old 17-01-2024, 06:32 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Thulite is supposed to be great to have in the bedroom or under your pillow so I took the beauty with me last night. I put it under the cushion that's on the empty side of my double bed. I always have 1-2 skulls there, the cushion is to make sure they don't fall out of the bed and break.

In any case, I put her there and I slept like a baby! For the first time in yonks. Sometimes my sleep is a tad chaotic due to either energies like full moon or other stuff that's going on, or hormones. Then I dream a lot, clench my teeth etc.
But last night I just enjoyed deep sleep. Can't recall dreaming nor teeth clenching. Absolutely wonderful!

The thulite she's made of is different from the larger thulite tumble I already had. That is darker red with pink and some white an black spots etc.
And... it also smells?
The smell is familiar but I cannot quite put my finger on it what it is. But it's too unpleasant to hold the stone as then I have to wash my hands afterwards as the scent lingers on my skin.
The skull doesn't have this at all. She's a beautiful deep pink.
Maybe both are from a different location?
The seller of the skull also said he's not entirely certain what thulite is as some sell it as Indonesian petrified wood, others as rhodonite.
I Googled it myself, could find pink Ind. petr. wood, no need to look at rhodonite as it's not that. I've got that, love it, and that looks different.
What I did find is that thulite is also called rosalite (I have a thing for roses, hihi), and sometimes called pink zoisite as apparently it's a pink variety of that.

I was told thulite is mined in Norway, but when searching online I find this pinker version being mined in other places.
Quite confusing.

No matter what, I'm very happy with my beautiful Fairie skull!
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