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Old 14-01-2024, 04:54 PM
snowyowl snowyowl is offline
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I'm just getting into Paganism and learning about the Heathen Gods & Goddesses of the Norse tradition, and I don't belong to a group yet so my worship has been rather experimental so far. Having grown up in a Christian culture it's needed some adjustment to a polytheistic approach.

From my reading so far, the Gods aren't seen as omnipotent like with the monotheistic religions and they don't expect us to be worshipping and praying in such a submissive role. So it's ok not to kneel, bow your head etc but in this tradition "honouring" is synonymous with worshipping and we are expected to play our part and use our potential rather than always deferring to the deities to intervene.

I don't know what a crystal portal is, but there is a wide variety of methods including some magical approaches and people do experiment to find what works for them. If you're using portals I would just make sure you're also setting up protection from unfriendly spirits who may try to piggy back into the portal or ritual.

Many heathen groups and writers would agree that anyone can worship their Gods as long as you're respectful and clear about your intentions. Do you know why you are being drawn to certain Gods and traditions and what your motivations are?

The discipline that I've heard of is only strict if you belong to a group which requires it. Many Pagan groups are pretty flexible and also a lot of Pagans don't belong to a group at all but practice alone as what's called Hedge Witches/Heathens or only have loose affiliations through the internet. But as a general point I've found Pagans to be pro-life and embrace human energies of sexuality, fertility, feasting and drinking etc if done within a moral framework. The Pagan religions are very diverse and you can probably find a tradition which fits with your particular preference; eg if you're looking for one which promotes celibacy and vegetarianism I expect you'll be able to find one but from your post I'm not sure if you want that or not.
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