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Old 10-01-2024, 12:29 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is online now
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2,619
I have not ever heard the word syncretic before reading this thread now. Will look it up. For a long time I have felt I don't really fit anywhere. I was baptised into the Lutheran church as a child, didn't have any choice there, and got confirmed at 14 because practically my entire year class did (97-98% of the national total), but by then was considering myself an atheist. 40 years later I am certainly no atheist any more. But what am I? Some of my beliefs are of christian origin. But most of my spirituality does not have that origin; some come from the old norse ways of my own country, others connect with the Native Americans, the Lapp culture, Australian Aboriginal, Celtic ways - I find some beauty and some ugliness within every faith and religion, and am determined to work with what wants to work with me. Someone called me an eclectic believer once and I think I rather like that. Calling one and only one direction the only true one at this point makes no sense with me.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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