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Old 07-01-2024, 02:50 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Originally Posted by Vajradhara
Hi Unseeking Seeker. How do you merge the heart of the Diety into your own?

This knowing was spoonfed! Once, during a deep meditation, Lord Shiva appeared and drew me into His heart (preceded by a communication about first accepting purity of heart) and showed me the ‘dweller of His heart’, which was formless blue electricity in incessant motion, renewing itself within itself, pure awareness, somewhat outlined as a monk in a meditative lotus position.

The message was that all that is, is God alone , who vitalises all forms with His presence within each. As such, if we pray to any deity, we, meaning the light in us, is seeking to merge with the light in it, both being the same but perhaps for the moment, vibrating at different frequencies. Thus, taking the frequency of the master or deity to be higher, meaning closer to the Absolute, the merger raises our frequency too, the word ‘our’ meaning mind-body consciousness, feeling separate from source.

Reworded, we may say there are two of us in here, one is the false self or ego and the other is our true being, which we may simply call Self with a capital S. The one who seeks or prays is the ego. Our true being is God Himself or we may say the Self, inseparable from God. Since we live in the body, as long as we think we are this, it is helpful to play the game of seeking union with God, so that one day identity falls away and then, all that remains, is as always was, God alone.
The Self has no attribute
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