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Old 26-12-2023, 05:15 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
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Originally Posted by Gem
It seems that people who are female think pain isn't understood by me since I'm male and don't give birth. Giving birth isn't the only pain or even the worst pain, but it is irrelevant to the topic and has nothing to do with anything I said.
My comment was tongue in cheek and I meant no harm.
Sometimes my "weird" humour gets the better of me.
Just one or two points though.
In that you have never given birth you cannot know that it isn't the "worst" pain.
And it could indeed be quite relevant actually because even though it's slightly different type of "workout" trust when I say you have to stay fully focused and almost take yourself to a spiritual level . If that breathing is not fully controlled and you do not stay fully focused during it all then it's awful.
We are not talking about 5 minutes on a treadmill here where you can "stop and get off".
We are talking hours and hours of what feels like torture especially as in my case when with two of my births for various reasons there was no pain relief.
Giving birth is all about muscle contraction like excercise ? And staying fully and completely focused. I also think it helps if during the process you do have a spiritual nature and can relate to that too.

But yes, there are indeed many types of pain.
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