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Old 20-12-2023, 09:28 PM
SMT3Master227 SMT3Master227 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 37
Originally Posted by Gem
I think there's real feelings, and then there's a story about a twin flame. That story can be used to keep the feeling alive, so the story becomes mixed up with the feeling. That's why to a flamer it sounds like their 'experience' is being denied when people only have doubts about the story. My view is no one is 'your TF'. That's only a story, but once the story is entwined with the feeling it's very hard to separate them. You'd have to drop the story to see what is really there, but that's scary because without the story, would the feeling continue to recur?

Yeah thats what I was thinking too. If you just think someone is your TF and there isnt really a good narrative to back up your feelings, then what do you really have? Ive read about how people think people they dont know are their TFs and I just dont get how people are thinking that. If you dont know someone on a somewhat deeper level, then what connection do you really have with them? It was like the one lady who kept trolling this professor that kept telling her to go away that she thought he was a TF...and she was married, like lol what are we even talking about? How do you have a connection with someone that you dont really know on a personal or emotional level?

The only reason I think some girl might be my TF is our 3 year history together. And as a dumb high school kid, things just flew over my head lol. I also had low self esteem back then and didnt realize this girl would have probably went out with me if I asked her. Since then, alot has changed, both for better and worse. My interests have caught up with hers and we live close by, but she had a terrible relationship that really messed her up. Like her brain is like soup at the moment and shes highly intelligent. If I ran into her again back in 2018, we would probably have been married by now, but sadly thats not how things played out.

Normally if a girl doesnt want to mess with me, I just move on, but I think the bonds we formed in the past makes this way different. We both understood each other in an emotional level, but trauma sucks. Its crazy how traumatic events can change us deeply. She went from being so sweet, bubbly, friendly, to withdrawn, cold, and probably mad at the world for how she got screwed over. I get it though since I went through a similar phase in 2013 after getting messed up with the wrong people. I hope some day I can find this girl again, but Im kind of just letting the universe do its thing since ultimately, she has to heal. We cant really be together in her current state. She needs to have a revelation like I did (or spirtual awakening some call it) that she doesnt want to be alone anymore like I did and we could meet up again, but until that day comes, Im just working on me.

Sides, I cant contact her, (could try again but obv bad idea since it wont go anywhere) not going to her city (since she would just get scared away if she saw me, even though would be very hard to find her), not looking at her social media, not chasing her friends (even though i need to call one of them at some point), sides daydreaming, not really putting much effort into this situation at the moment. Do I think she could really be my TF? Maybe. The TF theory makes sense here. We both kind of reflect each other in alot of ways, but im not even close to 100% certainty since Im just speculating based on the info infront of me.
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