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Old 20-12-2023, 06:18 PM
SMT3Master227 SMT3Master227 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 37
Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
um i think we are on completely different pages? I never said I had a partner, and I did say I had a whole lot of twin flame experiences enough to make my head spin, then you argued with me for a long time about the validity of those experiences?????

I guess I just totally don't 'get' what other people are saying...


Yeah im thinking we are thinking two different things since at first your saying they arent a twin flame and now they are again lol? And your talking about two different people now? I thought one was your partner and one wasnt. I dont get whats going on. But also your getting mixed up on what a false twin was. You cant really get your twin flame mixed up unless the person your dealing with is manipulative and is mirroring you to get something out of you, hence why they will seem like they have a strong connection to you but in reality they are just saying what you want to hear for whatever selfish reasons.

And like I said before, I question things since anyone can say whatever and then be like "oh everyone is my twin flame!". No, your dog's neighbors pet goldfish's aunt isnt your twin flame. No, the codepnedent relationship your in isnt a twin flame. No, your grandma isnt your twin flame. There are certain elements that make it what it is, but it requires some decent logical reasoning skills to get to that conclusion and its not just based on emotions.

If you got a good theory behind how someone is your twin flame, I like to hear it. But it has to make some sense. It has to have a reasonable amount of evidence that isnt just based on feelings since if not the whole thing falls apart.
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