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Old 05-12-2023, 04:06 PM
OldChap OldChap is offline
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 122
Originally Posted by SmallVoice
So what do you suggest I do? Take her back in against the wishes of my wife? Destroy my marriage so that she can live with me a few years and then leave when she's 18 to go be with her mom? Never mind that I don't make enough money to live on my own, let alone support a child …

To benevolently help anyone is a good thing.

Difficulties arise when we have expectations. We expect the ones we are helping to become happier and grateful for the help.

Therein lies the importance of unconditional love. To love and help someone without expecting anything in return.

It is good to know nothing that happens in our personal life is ever random, coincidental, lucky, or unlucky. Everything happens with purpose and as it should be.

“Bad” things don’t happen to us, but for us to learn and grow spiritually to unconditional love that is our true nature.

Also good to know that when we have done all we could to help someone but the situation is not improving or working out, then it is okay to step away and let our many other teammates give it a go.

Do not take that as a failure on our part, but rather having the understanding that we each specialize in certain things and not everything. It is the foundation of cooperation and unity, people coming together to become stronger than by our individual self. It is one of the reasons why God created man and woman to come together in marriage.

The important thing is for us to stay joyful and happy.

That is not being selfish.

We can’t help others when we have become part of the problem.

All the best!
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