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Old 04-12-2023, 08:09 AM
Panorama361 Panorama361 is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 34
When manifesting, should you avoid saying your affirmations out loud?

Hey guys, I just have this little question for anyone here that manifests things easily & quickly in their life. So I was watching a few YouTube videos and I came across this one youtuber who recommended that people never say, or even write, the things they want to manifest out loud, not even to themselves. She claims that the reason why is because evil entities who would not want an individual to progress would hear or see one's desires & try their best to delay & put a wedge in their affirmations.

I was just wondering for how true this is. And also I'm a little bit afraid now since I've followed the advice of many spiritual Youtubers who say that people should write down their affirmations in the form of vision boards, sigils & notes as well as say their desires to themselves in present tense. Does anyone at all know this to be true?
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