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Old 23-11-2023, 08:59 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 5,670
Hi Kenny.
Not only did you see it, you heard it too in the form of the footsteps. The spirit of this child is not there to frighten anyone or cause harm as he seemed more alarmed than you and went away.
I had a similar experience in my shop once. There was no- one in the shop . The door opened and a regular elderly lady came in with a young child . A blond haired boy of about 6. He was a happy little soul and he skipped across the shop to look at the comics then skipped away to a part of the shop that was a bit of a "blind spot" , but there was no way out. When his grandma ( or who I supposed was his grandma) had finished paying for her papers I asked her what he was doing? I thought he was hiding from her. She didn't have a clue what I meant.
And he hadn't gone out of the door as it was directly opposite my counter only about 4 foot away and had a very loud bell on when the door was opened .

As Bad medium mentioned , you have had this experience , so now do you believe ?
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