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Old 18-11-2023, 10:53 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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When you begin to open up to receiving intuitive things you tend to pick up everything in the beginning. It's like opening a door and everything comes flooding in, including things that are disturbing or not of any use to you.
It means you will have to learn to filter. The door doesn't have to be wide open for everything, you'd want to pick up things that are of use to you.

Once I realised this, I began with asking myself each and every time it happened, "Is this mine?" or "Do I need to do something with this?"
Your inner teacher & guidance will know the answer, it'll come to you.
I learnt the 9 out of 10 times the answer was "no!"
Go figure, most of what I picked up and sensed was not anything meant for me or not meant for me to do something with!!

As soon as I had my "no!" I let it go. You also have to learn to accept that you don't have to -and shouldn't!- do anything with it when your inner guidance tells you not to.
Otherwise you go against your own intuition which won't help developing it.

That's another very important step:
listening to your intuition. You can begin to ask your intuition throughout the day what to do. Even with insignificant things. The aim is to train your intuition AND most importantly, to heed it's information.
So simple things like, "Do I turn right/left/go straight on" in traffic, "Should I eat potatoes or rice tonight?" and "Do I go to this gathering/party?", and so on and so forth.
The value of this is that if you get used to doing this with things that aren't really very important -not life or death- your intuition will get very good and clear and will serve you when it does matter.

By doing that you will train your intuition to filter. For me it went quite fast and I stopped picking up 'noise' -aka things that are not for me- altogether.
Can't remember exactly how long it took, but it wasn't a matter of months.

This is developing your sensitivity further. It means learning to filter and focus on what matters to you, what is important to you and your path.
Trying to work through all the noise that you pick up without that is not helpful and not developing further, it'll only take longer or hold you back completely.
The stage you're in and are describing is quite normal and what most/all go through when they 'wake up'.
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