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Old 18-11-2023, 01:07 AM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 790
Gravity Arises In THought GAIT,

Gravity is a universal phenomenon which arises and motions away from
the motionless NOUMENON, which is the WILL to BECOME from Absolute

There is also the phenomenon of what I call Localized gravity which can
be centred upon a singular thing. I have personally experienced localized
gravity, when I fell to the floor in desperation fear and anguish and asked
the great spirit for help to save my life, suddenly a great weight came upon
me an d was pushing me into the floor, then a great inner voice said to me
"WHAT do you KNOW!

I tried to answer about something I knew, when immediately the weight
greatly increased so that my bones stated to make cracking noises and I
thought my skull would crack open, with this I cried out "I KNOW NOTHING
whatsoever, immediately the weight lifted, that's correct the voice said, now
go to bed and be healed.

This experience happened back in 1974, I had several other experiences
a few years later when after deep meditation while walking outside in
a hyper sensitive state, I could actually FEEL fluctuations in gravity as it
passed through my body, I felt sensations of becoming lighter and then

This universal presence can thereby also be localized within a specific point.

blessings michael.
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick
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