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Old 13-11-2023, 09:02 PM
Wisteria Wisteria is offline
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 67
Well I believe what we believe we are shown, those who r religious may be shown Jesus, for me it’s a divine creator/angels, they don’t want to startle you, so they use images to help you, and they are connected to your consciousness that’s how they know everything, I had Mary Madeline appear to me once, at the time I was feeling a bit of panic, and as soon as she appeared, my heart began to settle, I was grateful for this, but she was nothing like how the bible portrayed her, like I mentioned previously, my experience with this ET being told me when we die what we are shown is an illusion based on our beliefs, if we let go of all beliefs here that we have been told, then I believe that is the only way to receive truth, here and then. I don’t even believe in demons or devils, I blame religion, stories and movies for this illusion, I don’t invest my time into any of it, there has never been proof they exist in reality, so why do we believe they do in our heads?

I just had to let it all go to nothingness, and open my mind to the possibilities and allow the divine to show me, now I feel like a child again learning. These are my views though from my experience, overcoming fear was the key for me, I just stopped reacting to it and it faded from my mind, it took lots of practice, even the slightest ego though of what if? is allowing it to creep back in, I just say no, who is this for, because I am my higher self now, I am spirit greater than soul. I suppose we all find our own way.
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