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Old 04-11-2023, 07:55 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 5,636
Originally Posted by Bluto
Hi AngelBlue, do you live in Hull?

Bit off topic, sorry, but it's somewhere I've been fascinated with for a few years and am seriously considering moving there. I read the Hull Daily Mail most days, but am often put off by how much violent crime is reported. Is it as bad as reported? It's never felt that way when I've visited, but then I tend to go for the old town, which is very handsome and chilled.
Hi Bluto.
I don't exactly live in Hull. I live within a certain radius of it.
I was born and raised in Leeds but always had my father's side of family in hull so I knew it well . It was part of my life.
So recently I moved over to east Yorkshire and one of my kids has settled in Hull and is raising a family there.

Hull, for many reasons , is a big part of my life .

As for what you read in the hull daily mail , well, all I can say is that I was a newsagent for several years and sold the Hull daily mail/ East riding mail , and along with all the other daily national publications , you need to take on board "paper talk" .

There is a true saying that everyone needs to adhere to, which is this ....
"Believe nothing of what you hear , and only half of what you see !!! ".....

As for Hull itself I know it inside and out and me personally , I love it.
If you do consider to move here then you can always pm me with any questions about areas etc .

But just so that we dont get in trouble and to keep it on topic , you could say that I am "rooted in Hull " LOL...
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