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Old 28-10-2023, 10:46 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
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Wonderful sharing Unseeking Seeker, I can relate to much of what you have shared. I learned how to meditate back in the 1970’s and have been rather regular meditating and having incredible experiences for almost 50-years now. I do not consider myself an authority or expert on what other people are doing but what I am doing works for me.

I feel like there is an interaction between the outer and the inner. When I studied Tarot with an occult school in Los Angels, at the beginning of the 13-year curriculum we were told to get our inner life together and our outer life will follow. This is my experience. These days I go for very long periods of time absolutely quiet inside.

I have noticed that much of what I think presents itself to me in the outside world; to either confirm or deny what I was thinking. I can tell what my day is going to be like by observing what has pushed its way into my head. My intuition works with an occasional thought and sometimes gives me visions for future events as they pertain to me.

I find it easier to work on outside situations from inside of myself. I am safe in inner peace while I work on potentially high risk earthly situations. My inner light protects me, this is my experience, and I am guided by an extremely soft and benevolent presence which I bathe in when I submerge in quiet, still, meditation.

I believe that everyone has to find a path which agrees with their purpose. This is but my path, and I have seen lots of progress over the decades while on this path, but I do not say or intend to say that my path is best for everyone.
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