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Old 28-10-2023, 10:54 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Meditation as it is

Hi, I'm back to talk about meditation again, and I'm only going to say the same things I have said before, but in a different way.

It's very simple in principle - just observe - be aware of what is, just as it is, in the way you experience it.

Let's start at the beginning, as a matter of faith, and believe that the quality of spiritual enlightenment exists within you and trust that nature, in her own way, will take care of everything if you allow her to.

This is healing, the resolution of trauma and the purification of mind at the deepest levels. It's a clearing of blockages that opens the channel so pure love flows through you. It is a journey from the crude, physical level of experiential reality to the ultra-refined reality of energy and vibration. It's an insight into the underlying nature of all things. It is the path of truth that guides you to become more deeply conscious of yourself, just as you are, and reveals the enlightened quality that exists within us all.
Radiate boundless love towards the entire world ~ Buddha

Last edited by Gem : 29-10-2023 at 10:06 AM.
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