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Old 10-10-2023, 08:06 PM
Kenny Kenny is offline
Newbie ;)
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 20
Seen a young child

I don’t normally believe in the paranormal and quite sceptical but I have had an experience where I was at my mams house having a brew. When visitors were there we sat round the kitchen table the position I was in as I looked out the kitchen door there was a mirror on the wall that reflected the stairs leading to 1st floor. This day while having a brew their dog ran out the kitchen barking as I looked out I seen a young child halfway down the stairs as clear as day he was dark hair lad with blue jumper on, I shouted there is someone in the house and as we ran out I heard footsteps run up the stairs and seen a shadow running into my mothers room me and her husband looked everywhere no one was there and all windows where closed those who where there looked at me as if I was daft. I tried to explain I did see someone and said to my wife we need to go and quickly left I never settled again visiting the house again. Thankfully that the first and only time I couldn’t explain something, question is how come some people can see and some can’t like on this day there was only me who seen whatever I seen.
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