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Old 08-09-2023, 10:11 PM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
Negative thoughts are ok, we all have them from time to time, don't beat yourself up over them, its the ego that tries desperately to form a reaction, what's important is that you disregard it and surpress it, it always challenges us trying to raise a reaction, it wants us to feel bad, and does a chain reaction of mixed feelings, but remember the difference between feelings and emotions, a feeling is something we invest our time into, and emotions are things we can't control, so you can decide not to invest your feeling into it, being in control of your ego, and rising above it, just swipe it from your mind like you do your phone screen, and switch it to a positivity. The tapping is a great method aswell like miss Hepburn mentioned.
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