Thread: Healing...
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Old 31-08-2023, 12:27 AM
Lightworker2023 Lightworker2023 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2023
Location: England
Posts: 49
I think your on the right track Fitzwold, by the fact that you know you need to heal it means your on the right path. You are seeking it, so you will find it.

I would start by asking for healing from god, angels and spirit guides. Also look for some protection rituals you can carry out, there are some on this site i think. If not there are loads on you tube.

I think its good you have found and joined this forum and i am sure over time you will find more answers here. I am finding more good stuff every time i visit and there are still loads of sections i havent looked at yet.

It sounds like you have been through an extraordinary time for a while. So
take each day at a time but know you are being guided.

I am not sure where you live but it could be good for you to visit a spiritualist church if there is one near you and get some 1:2:1 healing. They usually ask for a donation and i found it extremely helpful in re aligining me following several bad experiences in my life. Otherwise Reiki would also help.

Im just running a few idea's for you to start with. Ask the higher forces/god/universe and do protection meditation or ritual first and do it regularly. It will help and get out into nature if you can, you need to ground yourself regularly as there is a lot of energetic shifts going on for us all at the moment and its something we all need to be doing to cope with it all.

Keep seeking, you are on the right path :-)
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