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Old 28-08-2023, 06:27 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Ooo, thanks iamthat...right up my alley!
Hi Miss H. I thought it might appeal to you.

Yes, I've read Natalie Sudman's book. The nature of NDEs does seem to vary even while having certain factors in common. Which makes sense since we are all at different stages of our journey.

Perhaps one other factor to consider with Anke Evertz and Eben Alexander is that their physical bodies were in a coma for several days which may have allowed for a deeper more expansive experience. Most NDEs are quite brief in terms of physical time, although I am aware that time out of the body can seem much longer.

I do sometimes wonder about the difference between the NDE and actually dying. Some NDEs are quite cosmic - the individual is guided by some kind of higher intelligence and has all sorts of experiences. Yet many accounts of the afterlife are seemingly quite mundane. The personality continues unchanged in an environment which may not be that dissimilar to Earth, although they do recognise that there are higher planes which are more expansive. Again, we are all at different stages.

But if the NDE is a pre-planned learning experience to change our direction in life then maybe it needs to be quite cosmic to overturn all our ideas about ourselves. So maybe such a cosmic experience in the NDE is a peak state, which is not necessarily what actually awaits us when we finally leave the body.

One day we will find out for ourselves.

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