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Old 20-08-2023, 07:26 AM
Love and peace Love and peace is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 33
Color Auras and Orbs advise and feedback

Auras and Orbs

Hello all,
I am sharing my experience with auras and orbs to get feedback on other people's experiences with this topic.
About 20-plus years ago, I read a book with step-by-step instructions on seeing auras. I also immediately saw the envelope (a light that sits just off the human body). I then saw my friends Aura that was participating in the exercise. As she breathed, the vibrant Aura altered. It seemed to have some form of conscious awareness, and as her expression changed her Aura also slightly altered.
I felt overwhelmed and isolated by this experience. I was young and felt others would not believe me.
I've since over the years involuntarily and sporadically experienced this, mainly when I am around people with vibrant energy that I, as an empath, find myself channelling. When I listen to a lecture and the speaker is passionate about what they are discussing, seeing their Aura for me is common.
During my acupuncture treatment, when the acupuncturist put the needle into the Chinese acupuncture point CV 8 Shen Que, (Spirit Gate, that refers to the place where we received that life from our mother by way of the umbilical cord. Located near the naval and solar plexus chakra), I would immediately see orbs (approximately the size of golf balls and a similar size) jumping off the walls.
Again, I felt uncomfortable and isolated from this experience.
I have since done a lot of soul healing and realised this ability is a gift. I would love some feedback, advice, and thoughts from those who have also had these experiences.
Many Blessings
Love and Peace xox
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