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Old 17-08-2023, 01:46 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Dream of my own oracle deck

My own oracle cards... I've been thinking about that for years. But then I counted the paintings I had and realised I didn't have enough for a deck of 44, the usual amount of cards.
Then another thing... some paintings are landscape, not portrait. These days you do have oracle deck with both types of cards in it, I've got at least one, but don't find it handy.
So that was another obstacle.

Then the other day, when I'd finished my Dreaming of Avalon painting, I suddenly had the solution for both issues.
I have way more paintings in the meantime as I've painted so much this year, so numbers isn't so much of a problem anymore.
But the landscape thing... suddenly thought I could do parts of a painting and have that in portrait format.

Problem solved, and even better as sometimes different scenes in a painting would & could represent different messages!

So instead of having the landscape problem with Dreaming of Avalon I'd for instance use this:

And if I want I can take other parts of the painting as well.
So who knows... might still happen at some point!!
Wouldn't that be lovely?! Having MY images and also my own interpretation
Usually people only channel the messages and someone else does the artwork. I can do both myself.
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