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Old 12-08-2023, 12:47 PM
AncestralEchoes AncestralEchoes is offline
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 41
As someone navigating similar ground, I can attest that self-observation and keeping notes/journals is a good way to find your way through this question. Maintaining a sense of curiosity rather than succumbing to the fear and shame that other people try to pile on to such experiences, was the only way I was able to stay grounded in what was true. Over time I began to learn to identify what was a gyration of the mind and what was a glimpse into other realms. Do I still struggle? You bet. But as long as I stay curious and let go of the fear, discernment kicks in to help me know when to trust, when to speak, when to act, and when to simply let the feeling pass.
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