Thread: Meeting a fairy
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Old 19-07-2023, 10:18 AM
Ordnael Ordnael is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Himavanta
Posts: 393
A teacher of cherubs

Don't remember how the dream started, my memories of it aren't very clear, but I was walking around in the streets of I would say Himavanta? It was late afternoon, the time when the seven dwarfs would be going home from work singing Heigh-Ho.

I was aware of the presence of not so friendly beings, they wouldn't necessarily attack me for no reason, but would be mean to me for no reason. Considering previous experiences, probably Pan/Mara, he would be rude to me or trick me to deviate me from my path and get me in trouble.

My only concern, however, was my date scheduled for that evening, so I wanted to know what time it was, where and when we would meet up.

There was a school down the street and classes had just finished for the day, kids were leaving and so was my nymph. We met and sat on the ground, and apparently she was a teacher of those kids, some of them sat together with us, about 6 or 7 kids.

I was surprised and pleased, I asked about their activities and what they were studying. That's one of the signs that I was dealing with supernatural beings, I tend to flood them with questions, it was worse in the past, I'm improving.

They said they had exams last week, and that they were studying Geometry. "How nice!" I said, but I wasn't smart enough to understand that they were talking about Sacred Geometry. Those intricate designs found in fruits and flowers are obviously created by intelligent beings.

Trying to compare their experience with my own when I was in school, I wanted to know what materials they were using during their classes. Compasses to draw circles, rulers and set squares to draw lines. What's the name of that tool that measures angles?

I couldn't remember it, it turned into a challenge, were they able to find out what I was referring to? I think one of them said the right name, but I wasn't sure, so I looked up to the sky and saw colorful purple clouds, I asked "Hey up there, tell someone from outside to give us the information."

After a few moments they were confident, the name was 'protractor'! "Yeah, I guess that's right" I said, "Do you guys use those too?".

My nymph was by my side enjoying the amusing conversation, but then my class was over and I woke up.
My words of wisdom: Every civilization wishes to serve the Deity, but they can only do so to the extent of their wisdom and justice. & The greatest religious revelation is the correct interpretation of the things in the sky.
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