Thread: Scrying in Art
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Old 04-07-2023, 07:43 AM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
It strange you say this because I started painting my visions, and things appeared in my paintings that I don’t recall painting, there was hidden messages, I wondered if I did it unconsciously. I also studied art work of artist who apparently went mad, and I found it fascinating how many hidden messages I could find, I could see what they were expressing and seeing in their visions, I felt sad for them because no one believed them, and all they could do was express them, I wondered why is artwork only artwork when a person has gone mad! I also seen hidden letters in them I am still interpreting them still, there is a hidden letter in a certain painting from these artists, I am hoping to find some more like it’s an anagram, and they all share something in common. But I know there is more to it and yet to be solved. Maybe paranormal opening the psyche unconsciously, I will In Fact share these images ones I have completed my investigation, the letters I have so far spell out awaken! And each letter found has an arrow pointing to it. So it’s very obvious. What I find most Intriguing is how I can see beyond in artwork.
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