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Old 01-07-2023, 09:07 PM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
I have to admit I feel confused about reiki, I will have to look into this, I am not sure where it stems from, but I put in a request to admit for a shamanic topic, which goes back much older than reiki, and although they are both healing, shamanism is much more in-depth and the history is much older, one who can master it has undergone the shadow work, to suffer and find the light to heal, trust me this is a traumatic experience, once this is discovered nothing can disturb the pattern of a shaman, they have mastered darkness, and have both light and darkness within them, yet many people associate themselves with these gifts, but if one is consumed by the darkness/shadow, how can they associate themselves with this belief of themselves? I would suggest a re-visit to ones own spiritual self, and practice shadow work only through accomplishing this with the self, that they can help others. Many people rush with this gift, then stumble, then reflect this upon themselves.

I have to agree with entity37 previous post. we use the obvious at will the gods we are associated with, but shamans use nature elemental forces combined, which is within us, its who we are, we are made of matter - earth, water, air, and fire our solar. I only focus on these elements and become them within as one The one almighty creator, and if you are met with prophets like Jesus, or saints, allow it to guide you, god works in mysterious ways and all shapes and forms, so trust your heart not your head. Find the light within and own the shadow before you venture into darkness.
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