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Old 24-06-2023, 01:00 PM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
INFJ & The Great Awakening

I have been studying psychology by Carl Jung, and discovered many archetypes but those who have the personality of INFJ seem to be gifted with the ability to feel and intuitive, and also psychic abilities, it is a phenomenal to psychologists, and spirituality is of the highest value to them, they are the only type that can turn energy inwards. So if you think you are this type I would suggest you read up about it, and expect throughout your spiritual journey something may open up to you, this happened to me, and now I am helping spirits passing over, it terrified me at first and I was stuck in a void, but I had a shadow guide helping me, I discovered how to become the light to walk in darkness.

I do recommend fulfilling a whole spiritual journey, and learning to suppress the ego so you are in the drivers seat of the vessel u are in. I am currently writing a book about this. The great awakening has been happening every 10 years, there has been recordings of this since the 1700's and we are in one now known as the 5th awakening since the pandemic, which is why we see more people spiritually awakening their sight and third eye. It's a perfect time for people to really find themselves who they really are, but thought I would share these possibilities, as no two peoples are the same especially if you are gifted.
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