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Old 20-06-2023, 09:50 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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My 2 Deva tinctures (Oak and Daisy) and Deva tincture Daisy pendant arrived yesterday.
I decided to first wear the pendant so I made a knot in the string that came with it. Unfortunately it was short and it ended up on my lower Heart chakra/higher Solar Plexus area.
I wasn't too chuffed as I'd wanted it on my Solar Plexus or maybe even Navel. But the string wasn't long enough.
So I wore it for a bit where it had ended up. But not much later I got a bad cramp in my diaphragm -I have those more often- and the pain then goes up via my breastbone to my throat. It was bad enough to take a painkiller so I wasn't happy.
I took of the pendant.
Not sure if that had caused the cramp or that it just happened or due to the painting I'd done, although I hadn't been at awkward angles.
I waited a few hours, then looked for another waxed string I still had, also not long enough to use but I extended the other one with it.
Now it's hanging on the lower side of my Solar Plexus. Kind of in between that and my Navel.
That seems to go down better!

I do wonder what this cramp meant. I never thought about it since I've had them on and off for years on end, sometimes regularly, sometimes none in years. But I know from my osteopath that my diaphragm is always (too) tight which is related to my neck issues.
(there's your connection between Solar Plexus and neck issues again!)
But I never thought it could be related to an issue of the Solar Plexus, an old hurt maybe? Possibly something that gets triggered so it can be released by the Daisy tincture?

Wait and see what it'll bring me.
I doubt I will orally take the Deva Daisy tincture as it thins blood. I'm not on blood thinners, and I assume my blood viscosity is good so why take something that could mess that up?
I bought it to use on my body, on chakras for instance.
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