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Old 13-06-2023, 08:47 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Glad it was helpful :)
I always feel the Heart is very much connected with the Sacral which is logical as that too is about love and emotions/feelings.
But then, the Heart is important to all chakras. In the channeling I did today the Heart & Solar Plexus merged which became possible after the Solar got into a much higher vibration and then faced the Heavens as opposed to Earth (looking down).
And if the Throat is higher vibrational (5D or more), and with that much purer. the Heart & Throat can work together and you can speak from the Heart, even when you don't agree with someone.
Everything is connected, which has I began to viscerally become aware of by doing the BOTEC (Blessing of the Energy Centres) by Joe Dispenza. Before it was more a knowing, now I actually feel it and it's the most amazing thing!
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