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Old 13-06-2023, 10:36 AM
Busby Busby is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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This dictionary explanation of the word 'mystic' is simply one of many and is, in my eyes, the easy way out.
Personally I have had a number of experiences which I would call 'bordering on the mystic'.
However I did have a full mystical experience when I was 20, one which changed my whole way of thinking and gave me an insight into universal consciousness.
I have already, somewhere, in SFs, given a short account of this experience but for the sake of the topic I'll just quickly relate what I saw/was shown/or whatever.

We/everything is deeply imbedded into what we can only call Oneness - All knowledge gained by the universe is a collective knowledge inherent in Jung's philosophy and is available as a constant to (let's say) human minds - the structure of the material universe is a simple one and reminds one of a zip being closed.

There, where I was, there was no god, no deities, no afterlife - just a permanent consciousness as part of an immense unfolding scene.

Absolutely overwhelming.

Hope this helps someone.

The constantly promoted belief (induced by religions) that we are born to be good and obey (in order to enter heaven) is a tragic error in the concept of the universe's plan and an insult to mankind's intellect.

'A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory'
- Mark Twain.
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