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Old 04-06-2023, 09:29 AM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,348
similarities and dissimilarities

Originally Posted by HITESH SHAH
Also there are some dissimilarities which for me is not dissimilarity but the very nature of the subject. I would discuss that in my next post.

Before I talk about dissimilarities , I would also talk about one more similarity which i missed out - there can be good exceptions to the rule . In spirituality and science everywhere there can be exceptions .e.g.
1. All metals are solid but mercury is liquid and yet a metal.
2. All solids when heated turn to liquid and on further heating turn to gases . Dry ice / Iodine can be exception and turn directly to gas state without being in liquid state.
3. All object from higher earth altitude gets attracted to earth center yet lava from earth crust can come out away from center at the time of earthquake/volcano , air may spiral upwards away from earth center in times of tornado / typhoon / storms .

There is absolutely no need to rationalize /object to / favor /question / intimidate exceptions . There is no need to question either generalized majority or exception minority . All we need to do is to accept things as they are and work with it.

Now I would talk about inherent differences in the nature of subject matter in sciences and spirituality

1. Quantification - The subject matter of sciences as we understand is physical world where there can be measurements and arithmetic calculations. Through extrapolations lot of hitherto unknown stuffs can be calculated and known. Such quantification is not possible in some sciences like economics/psychology etc . So does in spirituality quantification is next to impossible.

2. Experience/feel - Some subjects /sciences are subjects of experience / feeling . In such matters at most u can compare subject matters but efforts to quantify it in a universally accepted manner is futile and frustrating exercise. Examples of such subjects are beauty of participant, taste of cuisine , fragrance of flowers , melody of music . Sciences like economics , psychology / politics too are matters of feeling/experience and not of quantification . So is spirituality . It's a feeling and experience with little need to quantify .

3. Spirituality is stimulant / catalyst which make the experience /effectiveness of other subject/science better and it may not work by itself alone.

Last edited by HITESH SHAH : 04-06-2023 at 03:38 PM.
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