Thread: Earth day....
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Old 20-04-2023, 12:23 PM
hallow hallow is offline
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Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Global earth day on 22nd April .
shouldn't everyday be earth day? But how many people truly care about the earth? This thought came to me when I saw one of my step daughters paper water carton in my fridge. It's a great Idea if you want help get rid of plastics, correct. My wife and step daughter both drink bottled water. I hate it, but what can I really do. I talk all the time how i hate plastic bottles and so on, that never makes a difference. This paper carton of water still sits in the fridge weeks later. I even see web pages advertising compostable easily obtainable single use plastics. So with better options then the traditional plastics why isn't anybody changing there lifestyle just a little bit? Is it just the image of being a "tree hugger" more important than actually changing what is convenient?
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