Thread: Earth day....
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Old 18-04-2023, 06:38 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
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...little changes by many make a collective big step.
We never had anything open on a Sunday in the "olden days!".
Save for the newsagents for a couple of hours for the papers , everything was closed.
They became "family days" . I know in this modern world it might not be fair to close everything on Sunday anymore because of all the workers that can only do things on a weekend, so I would like to put forward that Wednesday becomes the new Sunday and nothing is open ( shops etc I'm talking about )..... Yes, I know Tuesday and Thursday might be "busier" but there would be a marked noticeable difference in emmissions, fuel consumption, and noise pollution on that day.
After that we can progress to 2 days off a week from it all..
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