Thread: Being blind....
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Old 02-04-2023, 09:43 AM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
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I saw the title of this thread and felt I’d share my story, which I have shared bits and pieces of on this forum previously.

I was a U.S. Army combat medic in 1967 serving in Vietnam during that war. I was on a helicopter that was shot out of the sky, the helicopter crashed and out of eight that was on the helicopter only two survived. Myself and another crew member. The other crew member lost his legs and I lost my eyesight in both eyes and was totally blind for about 5-years.

I went through more then a dozen eye surgeries to regain my eyesight. Losing my eyesight was a major freak out at first but over time I adjusted to being blind and had some pretty incredible spiritual experiences while I was blind. We have outer sight and also inner or insight, and I learned how to see with my sense of touch. I also met a guru when I was blind who taught me how to quiet my mind and meditate.

One of the biggest lessons I learned from my blindness was that while we may look at things with our eyes we will only see them with our awareness, and when I was blind I saw things that I failed to see when I had 20/20 eyesight. Yes, there is a blackness when we close our eyes but in that blackness we can nurture silence. The silence brings forth a feeling of peace, and the peace can bring forth joy, joy can turn into bliss, and bliss can literally bring forth light.

I learned that there are layers there which we can peel away with quiet concentration. When I was taught how to meditate I was shown several techniques, one of those techniques was a technique to open my third eye. Which in my opinion opens a tunnel of light into the realm of pure spirit, and that light from our third eye can flood our mind and body. The quality of that light is such that when you feel it, it feels like overwhelming intoxicating love. There are colors in the spiritual realm in hues which we do not have here on Earth, our eyes can only see the color spectrum from infrared to ultra violet, but color continues beyond those limitations, as does sound. There are also celestial sounds that we may not hear on Earth.

In retrospect I look upon my going blind as a gift. It opened a whole new existence for me. Although I would not wish blindness, or my experience in Vietnam, on anyone. A person who is totally blind can learn to see with all of themselves other than their eyes. It was amazing to lay on an operating room table under a local anesthetic while doctors operated on my eyes. I could not see the outside world but I could see them operating on the inside of my eyeball, and it was so crystal clear. Seeing from our spiritual self is much clearer, and more vivid, then seeing with 20/20 vision. I could say a lot more but it seems I already have a lengthy post here.
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