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Old 19-03-2023, 11:31 PM
Bluto Bluto is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 188
Your post to me is deeply interesting mainly for how it relates to a similar experience I had about 6 weeks ago. Bear with my first few paragraphs, but I want to build a bit of context before I address your experience, plus you might find it interesting.

You talk of the hypnogogic state, that's on the way into sleep. But the equivalent when coming out of sleep is called the hypnopompic state. I think they're essentially the same thing with some subtle differences. I believe our consciousness tunes into the correct frequency for non physical entities whilst in these states, much like an old radio tunes precisely into radio stations when its dial moves through the correct frequency.

After a year of meditation, and lots of recent intention to open up my higher chakras and connect with spirits, this did indeed happen to me - once in hypnogogia, and 7 or 8 times in hypnopompia. The hypnopompic connections happened like this:

I'd begin waking up, and in that 5 second hypnopompic window I'd feel static all over my aura, I'd hear static noise, or wind, or perhaps nothing in my ears, and then usually (but not always) a voice in either my left or right ear. Sometimes it was these sensations that woke me up. Each voice was as real as somebody lying next to me and talking straight into my ear. These weren't hallucinations, mental echoes, or very loud thoughts, and they were not in my head, but were external. They were always human, male, and I could tell were speaking English, and had English accents, even though I wore earplugs. I think it might have been the same spirit, because these experiences coincided exactly with a specific intention to "hear my spirit guide's voice". At the time I was comfortable with this, and it was beginning to happen once or twice per week. I also believe I had a very brief, partial out of body experience with one of them too, very similar to your experience. But instead of greys, I saw energy all around me like the kind that pours of a hot radiator, or a hot road.

Anyway, more relevant to your experience, the last time this happened to me was different, much different. The voice had purpose, and was absolutely not human. It was deeper than any human voice is capable of, and it growled about 6 or 7 words straight into my left ear. I felt the pressure in my ear too, like breath or vibrations. It was incredibly real, and was not a dream or hallucination. I was by this point conscious and awake in thought. Though I had earplugs in, I know it was not speaking English. The way I let go of them is to simply think my way out of it, like shaking it off. It's static energy didn't abruptly stop, but sort of evaporated from my aura over one second. It was such an unusual sensation feeling it melt away rather than instantly stop. I lay there for a few seconds wondering what the hell just happened. I wasted no time shutting myself down to spirit, and put out 100% intention for it all to stop. Six weeks on, and it appears to have stopped, except for one attempt (bodily static) about 2 nights later, with no voice, but buzzing like electric pylons in my ears. It took about 2 seconds for the static to evaporate on that one, which is longer than usual. But I'm digressing now.

I have a question for you. When your consciousness was with the greys, did you at all hear their voice? Or was it all completely telepathic? If you did hear their voices, what did they sound like? If it was telepathic, did their thoughts have a 'voice'? If that makes sense. If so, how did you comprehend and experience that 'voice'? Was it deep? Shrill? Human-like? I'd love to know more.
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