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Old 14-03-2023, 09:29 PM
Flexi-Girl Flexi-Girl is offline
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Telepathic Contact With Grays

I have never shared this experience because at the time, I didn't fully understand what happened but also because it never really seemed significant enough to be given any credence.

In 2012, I was learning to get in that state just at the edge of dreaming but not unconscious. It took practice but eventually I was starting to get pretty good at it. I later realized there is term for that between place called the hypnogogic state.

During one of my hypnogogic sessions. I remember was feeling more and more blissful, when all of a sudden my consciousness, was suddenly pulled away from body in the bedroom. I think I was pulled somewhere here on earth but I was now in a dark wilderness clearing. Just then in my field of view I saw 3 or 4 gray aliens.

They each stood about 3 to 4 feet tall. They were as you would expect them to look. They had the slits for mouths, large heard, and enormous black eyes that pierce the soul; all the cliche stuff. These one's appeared to have slightly more rounded than almond eyes as I remember, and they were looking right at me even though it was just my consciousness and not my body. Whatever the case, they were completely aware of my presence.

Right away they spoke to me with telepathy. Their message was clear and direct, filled with disgust. They said, "We see you." as if I had intruded on them, and that it didn't matter where my body was. Then they said "you belong to us, no matter where you go"

I am not sure if it was directed towards me or all of humanity, but they conveyed a sense of hatred as if I were so far beneath them, that they had all this power, and I am nothing more than a mindless animal they could do with whatever they wished.

The whole encounter happened in what seemed a few seconds. It startled me back to full consciousness. After that, I didn't continue my practice. I don't remember if I stopped out of fear or if I just became distracted with other things.

Looking back, I can't understand why I would contact or be contacted by gray aliens. I had no interest in them whatsoever. They were the farthest thing from my mind but here they were like people have described.

Still I won't say with 100% certainty if it was a real encounter or not. I prefer to take a more measured, thoughtful approach to understanding strange experiences before drawing conclusions.
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