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Old 10-02-2023, 07:16 PM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 1,649
Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
All the human illusions. and lies. and deceptions. I say FAREWELL to them ALL.

That's the way to end all mind caused suffering. Throw out all concepts. Like the concept of duality like you say. Be done with it. Don't make a concept or idea reality. They have zero realty if we transcend them. We are right here now in this current moment. I am in my room. The warm sun is peaking through my curtains. It is quiet. Why add an idea to this now? Why add any word or thought? Why add any résistance or idea of something lacking or missing?

This suffering or conflict that is caused by feeling we need to improve, that we need to discover, to make ourselves better or improved in some way. That we are not already 100% perfect just as we are. 100%! This feeling and idea, this thought we are not already there and perfect can be let go of. That means there is nothing to do! Nothing to pursue. No practice or effort needed in any way. You know what creates all of this non-sense and suffering? An idea. One idea we choose or are brainwashed to accept. That we are not already perfect. That there is something we can DO.

But then imperfection is obvious. We make mistakes, harm others. But see we jump into the idea WE are the cause. What is "we?" Well it's "ego" a self put together with thought/mind and memory and identification with this body. That is the ME. Identification with a body and it's mind that is programmed to be self centered and always about itself and not others, unless the others give us pleasure in some way. It's always comparing, interpreting, judging, weighing this against that. Thinking. (Which is the awareness and attention being focused on the thought stream in the mind.)

The doer is ego. It requires identification with this fake self all build on fake unreal identifications. We do not make thought but we believe they are by us and from us for us. That path to freedom and liberation is built not "on doing" but on "not doing." It's not something we need to do, it's something we need to stop doing. To simply be in the present moment and notice when our attention goes to the mind. Is on mind and thought. When thoughts and ideas create reality with our cooperation. The awareness is enough. It liberates us.

The reality is now is perfect no matter what is going on. The reality is we are perfect exactly how we are. The reality is we can feel profound peace and bliss and love, without any conflict within or without in any moment. Enlightenment is not found or created or produced. It is always present. We just don't experience it because we are focused on "ourselves." Our mind and thoughts and false identity or ego. When we let go of all ideas and beliefs and mental images, all mind produced content and reality, throw out all of it, we then experience the real world. The beautiful mysterious now.
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