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Old 22-01-2023, 12:34 AM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Not externally...:) But winds, crashing waves, rolling thunder, crickets
like on a summer night, harmonies galore...all sorts of inner sounds...when meditating.
So external sounds would be so peaceful and trippy, yes!

My grandma used to say this all the time, that she is hearing birds sing and things like you described, of course, at that time I thought she is imagining all of this until I started to hear them ( this happened when the spiritual opened to me ), in special birds singing, it's like I am in the middle of nature, literally.

Then I understood what she went through but she had no idea of this and the fact that she had access to deeper things...
The truth.
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