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Old 16-01-2023, 02:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Orion_Lion
opening up to you random awesome internet strangers.

If anyone has experienced similar things please write about it here.

I have experienced something very strange in my waking life.

I got super deep into meditating, right. I meditated doing breath work for 45-60 minutes daily for 6 straight months. I don't know how I managed that, it was like something more powerful and focuses rhan myself was controlling me.

So I started to have weird paranormal things happening. The day before the big event I'll tell you about later on, we'll, the day before it, I was meditating on the front porch, just breathing and soaking in the sun. Well, I had an out of body experience. My consciousness left my body and I was past the clouds, close to the moon, literally. There was a silver kinda metallic cord attached to my body that was still sitting meditating. I got scared and the silver cord snapped from the sky and brought me back to my body. Suddenly I stood up and found two pennies. One with her exact birth year, 1975, and the other with 1976 on it. I randomly got super upset and cried because I didn't know what was happening to me, so I threw the 1976 penny as far as I could and cried. I missed her so damn much. So much. I cried from my soul some nights, laying I. The fetal position on my front porch. It hurt, bad.

Well, the next day I woke up and I wasn't me anymore. I went to the front porch and stood there like looking at myself, who the hell am I? I'm not me. If you don't know what I mean, go to Google and search for "walk-in" soul. My soul was done when mytwin flame rejected me, so my soul agreed with the universe/God to leave and be replaced either one that could still go on further and keep learning.

Even that day. My mom looked me in the eyes and she widened her eyes and said to me, "something changed in you"

I'll never forget that.

I had an oddly similar experience.
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