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Old 15-01-2023, 04:20 AM
Aknaton Aknaton is offline
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A Message I Received from Jesus Christ of Nazareth a Few Moments Ago

In the world today, I am one of the loved and one of the most hated characters, yet, I am hated without reason. What did I do to you whom I love so dearly, even if you don't know me? Is it what you heard concerning a wayward Priest that claims to represent me? Is it because of the many evils that go on in this world and you say that I am responsible for them? Or is it without reason? Whatever reason it is, I come with love to tell you that I am who I am, but to know who I am, you have to come and find me. And in the search to know me, I know human imperfection as one that lived a body like yours, and so all I expect from you is to search, and even if you don't do it perfectly, you will find me as long as its with all your heart.

Many who haven't met me and don't know me and yet have many things to say about me, I invite you with one of the wise sayings from your world, "hear it from the horses mouth". I am always ready to share who I am with you and spend time with you. I'm ready to answer your questions and if you so happen to doubt if I am real or fake, am willing to let you touch my body which hung on the cross, the very same one which I rose from the dead with. And I will show you amazing things which your human mind and senses cannot accommodate that will leave you dumbfounded. I therefore invite you, come as you are to me, and I will come as I am to you, as far as you are able to behold my pure light.

Many of you have been searching for some satisfaction, some quenching beyond what the natural and mental world can bring you. Have you found what you are looking for? The promises that were given to you, were they fulfilled? I love you so much and am willing to give you of the water that I have, and when you drink it, you will never thirst again. Again, I invite you, come as you are, and I will come as I am.

Happy New Year, I love you.
Peace peace peace!
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:7
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