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Old 28-12-2022, 07:48 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 5,663
Hi... And I'm very sorry, but I personally do not believe in this "new soul / walk in soul " theory.

Our soul is us.
We cannot and do not "swap and change"

However, I feel you may have experienced some kind of "spiritual awakening" where everything DOES seem different and you DO view everything through different eyes .

When this happens , nothing is ever the same again.

I went through this , and I went through it with a twin flame .
It changed both of our lives forever .

But you need to think logically... You would NOT have connected with your twin if your original soul packed it's bags and left !!!

That is the whole point of the twin connection. You only have one twin....
The other "half" of yourself.

If it became like a "free for all" , souls skipping about all over the place then the twin flame concept would cease to exist .
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