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Old 10-12-2022, 11:56 PM
JustBe JustBe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 3,416
Thanks so much, that’s really good info.

I’ve ordered some of the bands you noted. I’ll YouTube as you’ve mentioned just to get correct posture and movements.

If your doing a full body workout daily for five days, are you saying a rest day without any workout? I’m sorry, I am confused by what you mean exactly.

What sort of protein are you consuming at breakfast?

I’ve been researching a bit about calcium vitamin d and vitamin k, considering there has been increasing hype about the importance of each one and the way they work together. What was concerning me mostly, was lots of doctors and naturopaths continue to promote this idea that woman (over a certain age) need supplementation of calcium and d3 but often overlook the importance of vitamin k in the mix. There are a lot of people supplementing calcium and d3 without thinking about those other important minerals and vitamins that support the whole network.

I was one of them, but I stopped taking them and began focusing on foods that are whole and support the whole interplay. One thing that did transpire from my own investigation was the important role vitamin k2 plays in getting the calcium into the bones. Woman especially during menopause are often told they need calcium and d3 but this vital vitamin has previously been overlooked ( current views have changed of course) so you would have to wonder where the calcium is being stored in the body? Calcified arteries?

I’ve always been someone that has believed diet should be the priority to get ones maximum nutrition and supplementation as a temporary support. If you can find the good source simply add that in balance to your diet. Or take a good multi vitamin that has a totality of support.

Most people know what foods support calcium intake and generally daily sun exposure supports increased vitamin d3 plus certain foods. Vitamin k2 is sourced mostly through meat, greens such as kale or spinach, natto ( is fairly high on the list for vegetarians) soft cheese and other fermented foods.
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