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Old 09-12-2022, 08:51 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 3,416
Ok that’s sound advice. Thank you for sharing as you did.

I was thinking of joining a gym and using a personal trainer, but then I thought I’m more motivated with equipment on hand, to get up early and do a daily workout.

I have various dumbbells plus bands. Because we have space, I was thinking about getting some of those heavy rope trainers and a balance thingy.

I’ve been doing this daily work out for about a week. But I’m trying to step it up to a more inclusive total body work out.

I’m doing three sets of ten bench (kitchen) pushups, sideways walk with firm band around knees. I mainly do this to loosen out the left hip near the top of the thigh, which has some imbalanced ligaments compared to the right. I walk up and down the passage, sideways, for about 3x 12 to 17 reps. From there I’m doing 3x10 leg extensions while laying in my back. Today I added hand weights (2kg) and did 3x 8-10 various arm workouts. From there I did some yoga which included cat cow, planks and downward dog and cobra.

I usually stretch (knees up to waist) to finish off. I’ve started stretching my arms against the wall so they are extended behind my body plus wrists and a few others. I try to walk most days to work which isn’t far. About ten mins brisk. The same at night.

I want to target waist and core, leg strengthening more so so what would you suggest to add in? Or reading this what would you add in?

Thanks gem. I’m utilising your knowledge, seeing your open to share it.

I’m going to use this space to speak openly about the highs and lows going through this. In the past I’ve been inconsistent, unless in a group, but some where in me thinks this practice from home is more beneficial in developing consistency and self discipline.

It’s funny today I could hear an inner voice, saying ‘I’m not doing enough’ so I’m thinking my body wants more and what I’m doing is good but it’s not targeting legs and waist to support toning and strengthening, reducing size (which isn’t bad but it’s enough for me to know it needs more work)
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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