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Old 26-11-2022, 06:24 PM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by saurab
Annata (no-self)

I can point you to Suttas/Sutras (Teachings attributed to The Buddha) regarding Anatta (The doctrine of non-self) rather than 'no self' if you wish.

When Buddha was asked point-blank by Vacchagotta whether or not there was a self, He refused to answer. When later asked by Ananda why He didn't answer He said that to hold either that there is a self or that there is no self is to fall into extreme forms of wrong view that make the path of Buddhist practice impossible.

The Nirvana Sutra states that all beings have Buddha Nature, which is 'Our True Self' according to The Buddha so why would He contradict Himself by saying there is 'No Self'.....

The idea of there being 'no self' does not fit well with other Buddha's teachings, such as the doctrine of
Karma and Rebirth (and many more) If there is 'no self' what experiences the results of Karma and takes Rebirth ?
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