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Old 13-11-2022, 10:15 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
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Addressed to all...
And yes , without a doubt the issue over plastic is worrying . I was encouraged to hear that you can buy coats etc made from recycled plastic bottles ! Who knew! This is quite amazing.
It just makes me wonder if the coats can then also be recycled after use or biograde ?
I know , as in owning my own shop with a bus stop outside , and I got the influx of high school children , uni kids, early workers etc , the amount of bottled drinks I sold to each of them , and on a daily basis , which over the year equated to several thousand bottles, and that was just from my little backwater store per annum.

In fact , as a whole , the World consumes the contents of ONE MILLION PLASTIC BOTTLES PER MINUTE .

That takes some getting your head around , and we also know that plastic is highly toxious ... ( I'm from a lifetime in fire dept) .but even if I wasn't we only have to cast our minds back to any "plastic" fires to know and realise how toxic they are. So yes , MASSIVE Worldwide concern.

Having said all that we need to focus on the thread and I still say I'm all in favour of the energising water in the sun and moon. The sun and moon are so magical and you only need to look at the ebb and flow of the tides to know that....
But I would maybe suggest that we leave our water to energise in glass rather than plastic.
I myself do not use plastic bottles . But then again I'm housebound so I don't need to.... I drink my water out of bone china ( me posh ! )...
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