Thread: Angel Numbers
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Old 11-11-2022, 10:06 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 6,314
To BMX .
ALL of the number sequences are relevant and you DONT need to make sense of them all. They will happen so quick and fast every day that it will become impossible to decipher them all.
What I can promise is this.... They won't stop and in fact will only increase . They will come in peaks and troughs . You will experience them for a few weeks solid and then it will stop for a while ...this is so that your subconscious mind can digest and store everything it has seen.... ( Back at school , yes I know , boring , yawn yawn ! )....your conscious earth logic does not need to retain this info ( not that it could)....
It's amazing how it all works. When they "know" and "hear " you say to yourself " well what's happening now? It's all stopped " ..that's when they know you are ready for your next lesson...and so it goes on....
This sequence of numbers that you are being shown is your unique bar code/ blue print , call it what you will, but DONT look for the numbers .. they will find you.

Thank you... You're welcome LOL..
( I need a coffee now ! )
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