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Old 08-10-2022, 04:31 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 2,853
Unseeking Seeker, that was very well said and I embrace that perspective as well.
We are all interacting with each others perspective as we are all in our own unique stage of
growth. But there is no competition and the only one we have to prove anything to is ourselves.

People can have beautiful bodies and even glowing from within, but dealing with their ego or
mind may be a challenge. Perception is how we interpret reality, and our perception comes from
our attitude and our insight. But why interpret anything at all? Just because we put a label on
something does not mean that is what it is.

I view this forum as a spiritually oriented microcosm of humanity. We have people here from all
over the world, from different beliefs, religions, practices, and age groups. Generally it is the
younger folks who prefer links to YouTube and other websites. I might add that this Spiritual Forums
is one of the oldest and longest standing forums on the internet. Back in 2010 the participants on this
forum were a lot different then they are today, and there were different types of posts then we have today.

At age-75 I was on this planet long before the internet, we used to have to physically go to the
library and look things up in books. I do not believe in “group-think” and I applaud diversity in most
of its manifestations. As long as it is healthy I can embrace it, and for me, being mentally polarized,
and only seeing things one way, is not healthy. Each person will know truth by finding it for themselves
in their own way.

Peace and Good Journey
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