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Old 16-09-2022, 10:21 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
How did 1 become 2? Because if 1 became 2 then 1 is not one. So it seems like 2 doesnt exist, or cannot, exist. Yet, we obviously know it does. ... How does a being become a becoming? And if they eternally simultaneously exist, doesnt that mean that existence is then a duality?
I would suggest that 1 manifests as 2 while still remaining 1. 2 does not exist apart from 1, but instead 1 is present throughout 2.

Or Being manifests as Becoming while still remaining Being. Becoming does not exist apart from Being, but instead Being is present throughout Becoming.

Or Formlessness manifests as Form while still remaining Formless. Form does not exist apart from Formlessness, but instead Formlessness is present throughout Form.

So there is always one thing everywhere within which there is the apparent manifestation of multiple things. This does not make existence a duality, because existence is always just one thing everywhere.


P.S. I hope that you feel better soon.