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Old 14-09-2022, 05:58 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Some might consider this the ultimate question - how does something arise out of nothing?

Some philosophies express this in terms of numbers. The Zero becomes One which becomes Two (which is really Three) which becomes Seven which manifests as the ten thousand things.

Or some say that the Absolute first expresses as Sound ("In the beginning was the Word...") which expresses as Light which becomes Vibration which becomes Energy which then manifests as Form.

Or some may say that the Absolute expresses as Purusha (Spirit) and Prakriti (Primordial Matter) out of which is born Consciousness out of which all else comes.

But for me the ultimate question is not how but why? Why does anything exist at all?

I have no idea.


Last edited by iamthat : 14-09-2022 at 07:41 PM.