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Old 09-09-2022, 11:49 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 1,011
I would leave the lizards alone. They'll help you with your bug problem. I don't mind insects outside my home. I'll tolerate a house spider inside even. Cockroaches are another thing entirely. I will not coexist with them. I will not allow them in my house. I've had an ongoing battle with hornets trying to live in my attic. I've had to call a bee guy 3 times already. They gain access in the same place every time. Through a gap in the flashing near the furnace chimney in the back of the house. I have to remember to have the gutter guys to come seal all the flashing, etc. every 5 years. I just had them come out this spring so I'm good for another 5 years.

I've got camel crickets under the house crawl space and I've toyed with the idea about putting some native lizards down there. I've seen blue skanks hanging out around the foundation there but we don't have any larger native lizards and I'm not going to introduce any raised in captivity, because I don't want have to take care of them. I'll probably just end up blowing some diatomaceous earth down there to take care of them. I don't want to use poison.

Insects in my room, are typically gonners. I don't like bugs in my room.
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